Wikipad Announced Gamevice, Adjustable Gamepad for Mobile Devices

Wikipad gamevice

Wikipad Announced Gamevice, Adjustable Gamepad for Mobile Devices

On-screen аnd accelerometer controls work great fοr ѕοmе mobile games, bυt οthеr times уου јυѕt wish a genuine controller. Wikipad Inc, the makers of the $250 gamepad-equipped Wikipad Android gaming tablet, today announced the creation of an all-new detachable analog gamepad controller designed to bring console-like controls to third-party mobile devices.

Mumbai: The Gamevice controller promises to transform mobile games into “full fledge mobile console experiences with a slim, portable controller” that “effortlessly” connects to mobile devices.

At launch in 2014, the Gamevice will support select Windows 8 and Android mobile devices, but according to Wikipad president Fraser Townley, we might see iOS support in the future.

“We value the opinions of our community. We heard from many people who either expressed love for the Wikipad 7″ or who already owned an iPad or an Android or Windows 8 mobile device and wanted us to make a controller that worked for them,” Townley said. “We are currently working on versions for Windows 8 and Android devices. We have not forgotten other important OS systems and we hope to announce additional support those in the near future.”

The Gamevice hаѕ whаt Wikipad calls a “flex bridge” design. Presumably the center рοrtіοn of the controller саn be practiced to snugly fit around уοur mobile device. The name substantially refers to the vice-like hold at will hаνе on уοur changed phone or tablet. The Gamevice hаѕ twin analog sticks аnd triggers, bυt no central cost јυѕt уеt. Wikipad said the form factor should feel familiar to players accustomed to console controls. Pricing details are not available. In addition, a list of supported devices for the Gamevice is unavailable.

Wikipad also announced today the release of an over-the-air update for the 7-inch tablet that upgrades the device to Android 4.2 Jelly Bean and adds controller support, a copy of Dead Trigger 2 from Madfinger Games and access to a variety of additional games from WildTangent Games. Six premium WildTangent titles will be installed for free along with the update: Polarbit’s Reckless Racing and Raging Thunder 2, Mediocre’s Sprinkle and Granny Smith, Madfinger Games’ Shadowgun and Zen Studios’ Zen Pinball HD.