Current Affairs 3rd April, 2015: Minor Planet 4538 will be Now Called as 4538 Vishyanand

Current Affairs 3rd April, 2015: Minor Planet 4538 will be Now Called as 4538 Vishyanand

Mariyam Asif Siddiqui Tops the Bhagwad Gita Contest

Vishwanathan Anand

03.04.2015: Mariyam Asif Siddiqui, a Muslim girl of 12 years of age won the inter school competition contest on Bhagwad Gita. More than 4.500 students appeared for the competition. The competition requires the participants to explain the teachings of the holy book.

Captain Anoop Kumar Sharma is the new Director and CEO of Essar Shipping Ltd

03.04.2015: Ramakrishnan A R retired as Director and CEO of Essar Shipping Ltd and he will be replaced by Capt Anoop Kumar Sharma. Ramakrishnan retired from service on 31st March, 2015.

Sunita Tomar, Face of Anti Tobacco Campaign Passed Away

03.04.2015: Sunita Tomar, the face of Indian Anti Tobacco campaign passed away. She was only 28. She belonged to Bhind district, Madhya Pradesh. Sunita Tomar teamed p with Voice of Tobacco victims to shot a video telling the harmful effects of smokeless tobacco. She was struggling from oral cancer.

International Olympic Committee Chief Thomas Bach Invited to India

03.04.2015: Union government of India and national Olympic body invited Thomas Bach, International Olympic Committee chief to India for a meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The meeting will be held on 27th April. They are likely to discuss bid for 2024 Olympic Games. Bach is visiting India for the first time as IOC president.

Minor Planet 4538 will be now called as 4538 Vishyanand

3.04.2015: Minor Planet which was identified on 10th October 1988 and was identified as planet 4538 will now be called 4538 Vishyanand. It is named after the Indian chess legend Vishwanathan Anand. Other chess champions who had planets named after them are Alexander Alekhine and Anatoly Karpov. International Astronomic Union names the planets which remain unnamed for more than 10 years.

Goa Rural Development Minister Resigned

03.04.2015: Francisco alias Mickky Pacheco, the rural development minister of Goa resigned from cabinet. He is facing six months jail term. The minister was facing jail term in a case of assaulting government servant in 2006. A special leave petition was filed in Supreme Court against verdict of Goa Bench of Bombay High Court which was dismissed.