Today (11-Jun-2014) Gold & Silver Prices in Bangalore, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai


Today (11-Jun-2014) Gold & Silver Prices in Bangalore, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai

Gold Prices
Mumbai: Rs.26845 per 10 gms (0)
Delhi: Rs.27230 per 10 gms (45)
Chennai: Rs.27230 per 10 gms (90)
Kolkata: Rs.27215 per 10 gms (30)
Bangalore: Rs.27250 per 10 gms (50)
Hyderabad: Rs.27250 per 10 gms (-70)

Silver Prices

Mumbai: Rs.41085 per Kg (0)
Delhi: Rs.41300 per Kg (300)
Chennai: Rs.41740 per Kg (1010)
Kolkata: Rs.41000 per Kg (400)
Bangalore: Rs.41597 per Kg (985)
Hyderabad: Rs.41682 per Kg (990)

  • Min Gold Price in Last 7 Days :Gold was cheapest in Mumbai during last week when we gone through the prices of Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata and Hyderabad and 10 grams of gold was sold for Rs.26605 on 07-Jun-2014.
  • Min Gold Price in Last 30 Days :Minimum price of this yellow metal in the last thirty days among the given six cities i.e Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata and Hyderabad was Rs.26605 per ten grams and it was observed in Mumbai on 07-Jun-2014.
  • Max Gold Price in Last 7 Days :In the Hyderabad city maximum gold price recorded on 06-Jun-2014 is Rs.27360 per ten grams and this is the maximum price in last 7 days among Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore and Hyderabad.
  • Max Gold Price in Last 30 Days :Delhi is the city in which gold price reached one month high of Rs.30100 per ten grams on 15-May-2014. This was the maximum price when the price of gold in other major cities like Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, Delhi, Hyderabad and Mumbai are considered.

  • Min Silver Price in Last 7 Days :Rs.40140 per kg was the minimum price of precious white metal in the last seven days in the main business centers of India i.e. Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata and Hyderabad and it was recorded on 05-Jun-2014 at Chennai.
  • Min Silver Price in Last 30 Days :When we analyze the trends of silver prices over the last thirty days, minimum price of silver in Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata and Hyderabad was at Chennai on 02-Jun-2014 and it was Rs.40015 per kg.
  • Max Silver Price in Last 7 Days :Among Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata and Hyderabad, the highest price for silver has been found in Chennai and the price for 1 Kg of silver on 11-Jun-2014 was Rs.41740.
  • Max Silver Price in Last 7 Days :Best selling price of Silver in past thirty days is Rs.43950 per kg is at Delhi after considering the prices at other cities Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad and Bangalore . This price was recorded on 26-May-2014.