Two of the mobiles in the mid range are available for comparison. The Sony Xperia M dual and Xolo Q1000S are compared. For finding out detailed specifications of the compared products, please click here.
Mobile phones comparison is done generally on parameters like OS, CPU, Memory, Screen, camera details, battery capacity with backup & multimedia including radio etc. The last comparison will be in relation to price, payment terms and free-bies offered with the products.
Sony Xperia is available at Rs.12425 and XoloQ1000S at Rs.12200. Commonalities include: business feature like push mail, call feature like loud speaker, RAM 1 of GB. Both these are capacitive multi-touch mobiles & offered with freebie of Aircel 3GB data (3G/2G). On connectivity front both have Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, 2G/3G, WLAN, GPS, USB & GPRS.
Both are dual cameras with differing capacity. Both operate in GSM 900 & 1800 frequency. On the multi-media front, both models contain music player, music recording, video player & video recording. Other features like call memory, SMS memory, phone book memory & messaging are equal in both these models.
Xperia is coming with Dual Core CPU whereas Q1000S has Quad core CPU. Coming to OS, Xperia has android 4.1 jelly bean whereas Q1000s has Android 4.2 jelly bean OS. On connectivity front Q1000S has HDMI port which is absent in Xperia. Screen in Xperia is smaller at 4” compared to 5” of Q1000S.
Xperia has 1GHz processor (slower than that of) Q1000S’ 1.5 GHz processor. In addition to proximity sensor & accelerometer sensor available in both these models, Q1000S is having additional magnetometer & ambient light sensor.
In multi-media area, Q1000S is lacking FM radio in comparison to Xperia. On the memory front, Xperia is offering 4GB expandable up to 32 GB whereas Q1000S has 16GB memory only. Battery back with 1700mAh with 10 hours in Xperia is lower than that of 22 hours provided by 2500mAh battery in Q1000S.
The 0.3/5MP dual cameras offered by Xperia is lower compared to 5/13 MP dual cameras coming with Q1000S. Xperia is lighter at 115 Grams than Q1000S weighing 158 grams.
Conclusion: The above comparison is based on the information as provided on the website and the users are requested to use their best judgment before finalizing their purchase.