International Mother Language Day In 2014 is on 21 February

International mother language day

International Mother Language Day In 2014 is on 21 February

Cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue, the promotion of education for all and the development of knowledge societies are central to UNESCO’s work. But they are not possible without broad and international commitment to promoting multilingualism and linguistic diversity, including the preservation of endangered languages. Everyone interested to preserve the precious cultural heritage for passing on to future generations should feel it their responsibility to actively participate in IMLD which is celebrated on February 21 every year.

The word mother tongue can be traced to the civilization wherein the mother is the first teacher for the new born baby and whatever language she speaks and teaches to the new born baby will be the mother tongue. In schooling and even after that books must be available for providing knowledge – preferably in the mother language or mother tongue. Written materials in mother tongues reinforce learners’ literacy acquisition and build strong foundations for learning. Lack of written form for many languages is substituted to certain extent by the computers. Languages are most precious instruments for preserving the precious cultural heritage for future generations

UNESCO, along with many other international organizations suggest that the education be imparted preferably in mother tongue till elementary level of education and in other language (preferably national language) thereafter. This will ensure that the required strong foundation is laid down through knowledge imparted in mother tongue whereas the knowledge acquired later will be useful for the all round development of the person. This is one form of bi-lingual or multi-lingual approach of education.

”In this age of new technologies, books remain precious instruments, easy to handle, sturdy and practical for sharing knowledge, mutual understanding and opening the world to all. Books are the pillars of knowledge societies and essential for promoting freedom of expression and education for all.”

-Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO

Message for International Mother Language Day 2013

In 1999, UNESCO decided to launch an International Mother Language Day (IMLD) to be observed throughout the world each year on 21st February. The main objective of celebrating IMLD is to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multi-linguism.

Multilingualism is a source of strength and opportunity for humanity. It embodies our cultural diversity and encourages the exchange of views, the renewal of ideas and the broadening of our capacity to imagine. Irina Bokova, UNESCO Director General


Theme for 2013 “Books for Mother tongue education”. The theme aptly describes the importance of books for cultural development. As part of celebrations of IMLD, UN general assembly proclaimed 2008 as the “International Year of Languages” to promote unity in diversity ad international understanding, through multi-linguialism and multi-culturalism.